We can never remember the Beginning of Our Dreams

Have you ever wondered why you can't remember the beginning of your dreams? It's like waking up in the middle of a story and not knowing how you got there!

Imagine you're building a tower with blocks. You start at the bottom and keep adding blocks until you reach the top. But what if you try to build the tower from the top down? It's much harder, right?

Our brains are like those towers. When we're awake, we're adding new memories all the time. But when we're asleep, our brains are busy organizing and storing those memories. And it's harder to add new memories when your brain is already busy with other things.

So, when you wake up from a dream, your brain is still trying to finish organizing all the memories from your dream. And the beginning of the dream is like those last few blocks at the top of the tower – it's harder to remember because your brain is still working on it.

But don't worry, it's normal not to remember the beginning of your dreams. It just means your brain is doing its job! 😴